The Kelowna Film Society awards scholarships and grants to promote filmmaking in the Okanagan.
Thanks to a loyal audience of cinema buffs, the Society is again offering significant financial assistance to local film students and established filmmakers.
This year support is again offered to students who plan to or currently attend approved post-secondary film programs, and to established local filmmakers with viable projects.
The commercial benefits of these grants, in the form of local employment, commercial spin-offs and increases in film study registrations, is substantial. As well, this funding helps to promote important artistic achievements.
Awards are open to students normally resident in the Okanagan who are planning to attend approved post-secondary film studies, and to established local filmmakers with viable projects. Please visit our Scholarship and Bursary History page for information about present and past recipients.
Awards will be in amounts from $500 to $2,000, depending on the individual cases made by applicants. Please see application requirements outlined below.
Deadline for 2024 applications is 5:00 pm Friday May 3rd, 2024. Applications MUST ARRIVE VIA EMAIL prior to the deadline to:
Successful applications will be announced at the Kelowna Film Society’s Annual General Meeting in June.
PLEASE NOTE: all scholarship and bursary recipients must provide a written report to KFS on the status of their funded projects/educational achievements no later than May 1 of the year following their award.
1. CONTACT INFO: Name, address, postal code, phone number(s), email address
2. COVER LETTER - PITCH YOURSELF! 1-2 pages introducing you, the applicant, your educational plan or your project, your career goals, and how the KFS funding will help you achieve those goals.
1. Proof of Current Educational Registration : School, Program, Dates Attending.
2. Proof of permanent residency in the Central Okanagan (present residence at the film/tv educational institution of your choice does not invalidate your application).
3. CV outlining your Educational background and results achieved as well as any film projects or creative endeavours that make you stand out.
4. TWO letters of reference that demonstrate your capability of completing the course and achieving your goals.
5. You may choose to add up to two pages of support material (creative, professional or personal).
1. CV – education, past film or creative projects, awards, etc.
2. Proof of residency in the Okanagan.
3. ONE page pitch document for the project that includes: Title, Genre, Running Time, Intended Audience, Log line, Short Synopsis, Stage it’s at (i.e. development, production, post) Budget, Partners etc.
4. Your 1-2 page CREATIVE plan: Show or Tell us WHAT the film will be.
5. Your 1-2 page FINANCIAL plan: Budget, financing, distribution etc. You must clearly state how the KFS funding will be used.
6. ONE page TIMELINE plan: Dates for development, production, completion etc.
7. TWO letters of reference that demonstrate that you have the capacity to complete the film or project you are proposing.
8. You may choose to add up to 5 pages of support material and/or provide links to examples of your previous work or work in progress.
Applications MUST ARRIVE VIA EMAIL no later than 5 pm Friday May 5, 2023 to: